EFR Instructor

instructor gesturing during first aid training with group of people


efr instructor

Teach skills based on internationally recognized emergency care guidelines and learn how to present course content while encouraging student self-discovery, become an EFR Instructor

During the Emergency First Response Instructor course, you will build on your skill as an Emergency Responder and focus on developing your instructional abilities to teach these skills to others. The  EFR Instructor course provides you with the additional training necessary to teach the Emergency First Response Primary Care (CPR), Secondary Care (First Aid), Care for Children, CPR & AED courses. (Most region-specific workplace courses require additional training.) Through a multi-media approach of independent study, classroom sessions and practical teaching assignments, you learn to conduct Emergency First Response courses.

The efr instructor  course covers specific goals and performance requirements for the Primary Care, Secondary Care, Care for Children and CPR & AED courses, along with instruction on how to structure learning, the requirements of performance-based training, and your role as the instructor in the learning environment. You also learn how to motivate students, evaluate student knowledge, present course content effectively, become proficient in developing students’ hands-on skills practice sessions, and are taught how to present an effective scenario-based learning experience. You’ll also receive information helpful in marketing your EFR business.

To enter the Emergency First Response Instructor course, you must be 18 years old and have completed CPR and first aid training in the past 24 months or a be a practicing medical professional such as a physician, Emergency Medical Technician, Paramedic or Registered Nurse.


Your role as an EFR Instructor is to be a coach that creates a positive learning environment. Along with learning how to structure and organize EFR courses, you practice:

  • Presenting course content.
  • Encouraging self-discovery in students.
  • Evaluating student understanding and skill mastery during hands-on skills practice.
  • Managing effective scenario-based learning experiences.

You may be able to get college credit for the Emergency First Response Instructor course.

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